Drawdown SHARE: Solutions to reverse global warming

With more than 23,000 people reached and counting the Arizona State University undergraduate Net Impact Chapter has spread the word about climate change through the Drawdown SHARE Challenge.
Net Impact’s Drawdown programs engage young leaders in the top solutions to reverse global warming, as identified by Paul Hawken, New York Times best-selling author of Natural Capitalism. Dr. Hawken worked with policy makers, scientists, sociologists, and more to identify the 100 most substantive solutions to removing greenhouse gases and actually reverse, and not just mitigate or adapt for, global warming. He is sharing these solutions through his nonprofit, Project Drawdown, by releasing a new book, by keynoting at the 2017 Net Impact Conference, and by providing content to the Net Impact Drawdown programs – including SHARE, ACT, and INNOVATE.
Through the Drawdown SHARE Challenge, participants from around the world competed to reach the most people and spread the word about climate solutions for prizes and recognition. Program leaders received a toolkit with climate change solution details, activity ideas, and resources to invent their own events, funding and staff support from Net Impact Central, and points toward Gold Status. Participants developed an original message about drawdown solutions to share with peers, developed a strategy or activity to get their message out, and submitted their progress to qualify in the competition.
Simardeep Kochar of the Arizona State University W.P Carey School of Business won the Grand Prize, awarded to the Chapter that reached the most people with climate solutions. They reached 23,000+ individuals by creating an original video that was shared by Project Drawdown, Paul Hawken, Green Biz, and on the ASU online discussion forum.

Saurabh Deosarkar and his team at the India Institutes of Technology won the Most Creative Prize, awarded to the Chapter that reached people with climate solutions in the most creative way. They held a workshop on campus, created a blog from scratch that showcased solutions, led a Facebook profile picture and solution countdown campaign, and created an original video.

Thank you to all who participated in the program and competition! To join one of our amazing climate programs, host a Drawdown INNOVATE innovation workshop for the chance to win an internship, a spot in our spring accelerator, and more! Fill out this form or email drawdown@netimpact.org to learn more.
See other Drawdown SHARE efforts around the world: