Nana Boateng is a 2016-2017 Net Impact Fellow and a student at Hult International Business School. She is part of the Healthy Food cohort and through her project she is educating people on what the word “healthy” really means.
Overall health and wellness has always been a passion of mine. I see so many people in search of answers, and I see even more doing everything they have been told is right, yet still struggling with chronic diseases and other health implications along the way. Having been through it all, I know this is the time for me to use this platform as a mouth piece to get the right information out there.
Being able to take time out and sit and plan my next steps. The journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step. This is the first thing I have initiated single-handedly. I am my own motivator and I believe in my mission. It makes me proud to always get feedback from followers whom I do not know, sharing how inspired they have been by my work so far. And this is only the beginning.
Diligence. You have to fight hard for what you stand for, against all odds.
Absolutely! I intend to publish a book by the end of this year. I intend to go back to my home country Ghana, which is a very agricultural country, and educate and encourage farm-to-table lifestyles. That is why I am grateful for my International Marketing degree.
Learn more about the Net Impact Fellowships, our four cohorts - Impact Design, Criminal Justice, Healthy Food, and Racial Equity - and all of our amazing fellows here.