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Get on the Right Track

Get on the Right Track

Those who know, know: finding your place in the impact economy takes a deeper understanding of the forces at work, the key players, and the latest solutions they're shaping. And the 2013 Net Impact Conference in Silicon Valley this Oct. 24-26 puts you right in the middle of it all. Part of the allure is in the diversity of topics represented at this year's event. You'll meet people who are building a more sustainable food chain, you'll learn how experts are applying technology to their impact work in creative ways, and so much more. With eleven tracks to choose from this year, you can dive head first into the causes and approaches you're most passionate about, or test the waters to see what opportunities await. So which tracks speak to you this year? Explore some of your options...

Sustainable Food

How does our work intersect with our kitchen table? This year's brand new Sustainable Food track takes a closer look at the food chain, exploring agricultural and supply chain issues, disruptive technologies, the local food movement, and more.

Tech for Good

We're tapping into the Silicon Valley spirit with another all-new track tackling how today's - and tomorrow's - technology can be used to drive impact in every sector. Big data. Collaborative consumption and the sharing economy. Clicktivism for impact. Learn how you can integrate tech into your impact efforts.

Corporate Impact

As the private sector continues to grapple with consumer expectations and ambitious sustainability efforts, we're bringing to light new solutions, growing trends, and inspiring success stories. Dedicated sessions teach you how to engage employees and other stakeholders on critical sustainability issues, and you'll get to know today's CSR pioneers and their approaches in interactive sessions.

International Development

Developing countries are facing the full brunt of issues from climate change to political turmoil, even as globalization continues to open up new opportunities for collaboration and reach. You'll get a chance to explore new models and approaches, swap stories and ideas with those on the ground, and bring home new solutions for your impact work.

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