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Introducing Leadership Stories – Net Impact Chapter Projects 2022 | Net Impact

Written by Amira Mensah Net Impact fellow | Mar 20, 2023 4:00:00 AM


The best leaders know they are only as good as those around them. This sentiment is doubly true if impactful leadership is the desired end goal. Net Impact has over 300 Chapters in 43 countries filled with individuals seeking to cultivate positive change.  


While Student Chapters focus their efforts on college campuses and surrounding communities, Professional Chapters seek to engage within their local community. Both groups provide valuable networking, professional development, and civic engagement opportunities. Moreover, members collaborate with like-minded people who share the same beliefs and convictions, setting the stage for significant, lifelong connections and compelling leadership stories.  


What Were Chapters Up to in 2022?


To say Net Impact's Chapters have been busy would be an understatement. Each Chapter, on average, has organized 13+ events and ongoing projects in 2022, resulting in over 4,000 total programs. These figures equate to approximately 7.5 engagement opportunities per day on average for members. The performance this year exceeds what Net Impact achieved with its programs last year. 


Chapter members had the chance to learn and share through various gatherings and endeavors, including speakers, panels, conferences, workshops, certifications, and competitions. The Chapter segments of Undergraduate, Hybrid (which engage both undergraduate and graduate students), Graduate, and Professional all sponsored meaningful impact-focused engagement opportunities, with the Undergraduate Chapters boasting the highest average event/project total per Chapter at nearly 18.  


The Chapter projects covered a myriad of impact topics, with career support/development, climate change, corporate social responsibility, food, personal/leadership development, and civic engagement among the top subjects. With an increase in awareness and activity surrounding these topics, there is growing interest among students and young professionals across all demographics during the year.  


Net Impact Chapter events garnered approximately 23 attendees apiece in the United States on average. Moreover, many of these chapters are plugging into the Net Impact Community at large and are actively participating in available programs. Not surprisingly, the participating Chapter communities claimed more than 50% of the program finalist and winner spots in these activities. 


Diving Into Climate


Chapters charged right into programs dealing with climate change with enthusiasm and vigor.  Furthermore, the climate-related undertakings targeted universities, businesses, local government, national government, and communities to further the goal of a greener future.  


All Chapter segments held at least one event educating or raising awareness about climate change within the community, making it the most commonly sponsored program. The second most sponsored activity was encouraging student action related to climate change on university campuses.  Rounding out the top four were advocating for climate change at the local or national level and advocating for schools/institutions to address climate change through initiatives.       


How Have Chapters Adapted to COVID?


The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted operations at organizations and businesses around the globe. Net Impact met the COVID challenge by holding Chapter projects virtually and creating new virtual opportunities for members. All demographics utilized these two methods to offset adverse effects, such as canceling or pausing programs.  


Even though some changes were necessary in the wake of COVID for most, eight Chapters reported having no major impacts from the pandemic. Moreover, many Chapters continued to offer at least some in-person activities, with the percentage doing so varying significantly across Chapter segments. 


What Are Chapter Leaders Saying?


The enrichment provided by Net Impact's activities extends beyond benefits to the colleges, communities, and members served. Our Chapter Leaders gain a wealth of professional and social savvy, as evidenced in their leadership stories. The unique experiences associated with heading Net Impact's Chapter projects and events support leaders' growth in areas such as:


Building Stronger Networks 


Individuals with robust networks have a ready-made group of mentors, advisors, and partners with whom they can share, learn, and succeed. One Chapter Leader shared the following Net Impact networking experience as part of their leadership stories. 


"While the team managed to introduce Net Impact's mission & vision to a greater audience, [As a Chapter Leader] I also established a stronger network with industry veterans and like-minded individuals to further the aim of building sustainable and socially responsible business models. Thus, the Chapter allowed me to further my understanding and helped in forming meaningful connections." 

- Chapter Leader from the Simon Fraser University Beedie Grad Chapter


Giving Back to the Community and Promoting Positive Change


Attaining a career and life of impact requires giving. Serving others reaps its own rewards, and the effect amplifies when the contribution benefits the community. Here are a couple of comments from Chapter Leaders detailing their feelings about impacting society.


"Net Impact was the best part of my MBA experience. Leading a chapter was a rewarding way to give back to our local NI Community." 

- Chapter Leader from the Carnegie Mellon University -Tepper Grad Chapter


"Being the Chapter Leader for Net Impact has given me the meaning and purpose to lead change initiatives in my college. It has been a very fulfilling journey for me to have the opportunity to give back to society."

 - Chapter Leader from the Indian School of Business Grad Chapter


Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom to Practice Leadership


Leadership is a talent just like any other. Unfortunately, this ability does not always receive the attention needed to mature and flourish in a traditional university setting. Leading Net Impact Chapter projects allows individuals to realize abilities that may seem elusive or under-practiced, as shown by the following leadership stories.


"The primary reason for the rating is that as a Net Impact Chapter Leader I have learnt things that I could have never imagined to become so proficient at. From joining Net Impact to just garner some experience by becoming a member to now heading the Chapter, I have upskilled myself to a level that makes me feel really proud. It's not just one thing I have learned here. I have lost count at this point.  But from leadership skills, speaking skills, confidence, planning, organization- this opportunity has helped me hone all of it!" 

- Chapter Leader from the Delhi University Undergrad Chapter


"Being a Chapter Leader gives me an opportunity to experience leading a team and discussions during events, which is relevant for my post MBA career. In addition, it provides great exposure and an opportunity to connect with people." 

- Chapter Leader from the McGill University Grad Chapter


Broadening Horizons Socially and in Business


New experiences with new people open the mind to limitless possibilities, shaping powerful leadership stories. Net Impact cultivates an environment where fresh, forward-looking ideas can change individuals' perceptions about business, society, and sustainability, as evidenced by the following Chapter Leaders' statements.


"Net Impact was a holistic experience altogether. Being an international student first time outside my home country, it was challenging and enriching at the same time. I was extremely grateful to interact and learn from doers, thinkers, and futurists. My preconceived notions on sustainability and how I visioned it completely changed and it helped broaden my horizon." 

- Chapter Leader from the Simon Fraser University Beedie Grad Chapter


"I've appreciated having a bird's eye view of the social impact landscape at my school and working closely with peers who are similarly interested in the intersection of business and impact." 

- Chapter Leader from the University of California, Berkeley Haas Grad Chapter




Net Impact Chapter projects and events provide enriching professional development, community engagement, and networking opportunities for individuals desiring impactful careers and lives. During 2022, the Chapters reported around 4,000 events collectively. These activities equate to around 13 affairs per Chapter or 7.5 gatherings per day.  


Strong interpersonal relationships form and flourish due to the frequency and unique offerings of the groups. Furthermore, Chapter Leaders gain a platform to grow and practice the necessary organizational, speaking, and problem-solving skills to shape them for future leadership success. The leadership experience garnered paves the way for extraordinary opportunities that may never have materialized without involvement in the Chapter’s programs. 


Open your mind to whole new possibilities and join one of Net Impact’s Chapters to start making a healthier planet. Visit our page to find the Chapter projects and events nearest to you and start elevating your impact career alongside a community seeking to lead positive change in the world.