Net Impact Supports the Climate Strike Movement

Net Impact is not a political organization, nor do we believe that climate change is political but rather supported science. The climate strike movement, inspired by Greta Thunberg, has spread rapidly across the world in the last 12 months, and rightfully so. Strikers are demanding that governments step up to take urgent action to prevent catastrophic climate breakdown by phasing out fossil fuels, accelerating the urgent transition to a 100% renewable energy powered world with climate justice and equity at its core.
On September 20th, three days before the UN Climate Summit in New York City, young people, companies (including many Net Impact sponsors and friends), and their supporters will strike all across the US and the globe, to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. It is core to the Net Impact mission to inspire and equip emerging leaders to foment a just and sustainable world. As an international campus-based and professional chapter organization with over 135,000 members, part of leadership amongst this community is in the personal choice to participate in activities aligned with your personal mission, your perceived purpose.
To the members and partners of Net Impact aligned with this position, the organization supports and commends you in your action towards addressing climate change on this day and beyond.
Net Impact is an advocate of civil discourse on topics related to sustainability and welcomes all genuine and transparent participants to discussion with the objective of better understanding and progress. It is Net Impact’s position that business can be a force for good and that there is a social contract amongst corporations and varied stakeholders, including community, employees, supply chain partners, and shareholders, to drive economic development, social equity and justice, and environmental conservancy.
We look forward to continued dialogue and action around critical topics like climate change and hope that you join Net Impact in our work towards a more just and sustainable world.