You’re ready to begin job searching, what do you need to do? Probably start by taking a deep breath (don’t let the stress get to you) and then update your resume, start fostering connections, and make sure your Linkedin profile is in great condition.
Make sure to add a photo
Linkedin has become a staple for job search success and as they say “a picture’s worth a thousand words.” So let’s focus on the Linkedin profile picture, because it actually really is important. Here we will share why it’s so important to have a profile picture and how you can get the right one at the 2016 Net Impact Conference.
So why is it so important? Here’s three reasons:
1. Credibility
According to Linkedin, profiles that are complete are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through Linkedin than incomplete profiles. Often “spam” profiles exist to sell products or collect information and these type of profiles often have no profile picture. You don’t want to be incorrectly placed in that category, it’s not a good look to recruiters.
2. Recognition
One of the best tips for job search success is to network. That way you can leverage the network of people you have to help you find a job and be your references; your professors, your friends, your family, your friends’ family, and so on. You want to be recognizable on Linkedin so people already in your network will be able to find you. There might be a long list of people with your same name, a picture will make sure they connect with the right one, you!
3. Personal Branding
Your photo is a unique opportunity to express who you are; your visual brand. Linkedin has said entries in Linkedin search results with photos are seven times more likely to be clicked on than entries without photos. So make yourself look appealing.
Get it right
Keep it Professional
So now you know that you need a great picture for Linkedin, but how do you get one? It’s not as simple as taking a selfie or as casual as a Facebook or Twitter profile picture would be. You want to look professional, have a background that is not too distracting, and make sure your face takes up at least 60% of the frame. And we can’t forget about the expression, you want to look approachable without smiling so wide that you look crazy.
Sound complicated to get the photo right? Don’t worry, we are here to help. Linkedin is one of our sponsors at the 2016 Net Impact Conference in Philadelphia this November 3-5. They will have a booth set up to take your profile picture and with their advice on your pose, it’s sure to be a success.