Net Impact Climate Ambassadors

8 week training to learn how to model climate resilience scenarios, build relationships with climate advocates, and get skilled up to lead workshops in your community.

Presented in partnership with Climate Interactive


Net Impact Climate Ambassadors will learn to use data and Climate Interactive’s tools to model scenarios that mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Ambassadors have a 3 part experience: learning cutting edge climate data and tools, building relationships with climate-concerned Net Impact members from around the world, and amplifying impact by leading presentations to communities and climate decision makers worldwide. 

First, Ambassadors complete an 8 week online course through Climate Interactive’s virtual training platform. Ambassadors will be trained on how to effectively communicate the climate crisis, understand the system dynamics of climate change, become familiar with the highest-leverage climate solutions, and learn how to facilitate educational workshops using the En-ROADS simulator. During the 8-week online program, Net Impact will offer Zoom calls that will supplement the course materials, create space for shared knowledge and build the participant’s community of passionate climate activists. Finally, after completing the 8 week course through Net Impact, participants will host two workshops with their community in order to become certified as a Climate Interactive Ambassador by the summer of 2022. Select Climate Ambassadors may be invited to special events and speaking opportunities with Net Impact. 

Why get certified as a Climate Ambassador through Climate Interactive En-ROADS Course? 

  • Gain mastery in understanding the climate crisis through a systems-thinking lens with a key emphasis on equity considerations
  • Learn the most effective strategies for climate communication from climate experts 
  • Inspire meaningful climate action in legislative halls, board rooms, communities, classrooms, and beyond while building your community in climate advocacy 
  • Build your climate advocacy network to keep yourself accountable, motivated and inspired! 

The program is open to all undergrad, graduate and professionals worldwide. 

Why Should I Get Certified as a Climate Ambassador through En-ROADS? 


Tips to Apply 

  • The total time commitment will be 2-3 hours per week. Applicants will be selected based on their commitment to complete the program. 
  • While no previous work in climate action is required, include in your application why you are committed to taking the Climate Interactive course with Net Impact and how it fits into your professional goals. 
  • Participants must apply through Net Impact’s website to join the Net Impact Climate Ambassador cohort (not through the Climate Interactive site.) 
  • Explore the En-Roads Climate Simulator before you apply with this 2-minute video 

Key Dates

  • Coming soon


Build Your Climate Community 

Build your network with Net Impacters from around the world who, like you, are looking for the most effective ways to tackle climate change. Meet via Zoom for shared learning, support, inspiration and career networking opportunities.

Systems-Thinking Approach

The Climate Interactive Course takes a systems thinking approach to climate change. You’ll learn core concepts in systems thinking that will level up your ability to communicate, mobilize and inspire climate solutions.

Get Certified

All participants who complete the course and host two workshops with their community will earn a certificate from Climate Interactive, establishing yourself as a climate leader in your community with the right skill set and confidence to present the Climate Simulator to any community, business or organization you want!