10 Impact Investing Blogs and Influencers to Follow Right Now

Read Part Deux: 10 More Impact Investing Organizations and Influencers to Follow
While we do our best to bring you up-to-date and comprehensive news to help you land that impact investing job and keep up with industry trends, the truth is there are a lot of other people and groups who publish content on the subject.
Here are a few blogs and thought leaders in the impact investing space we suggest you follow and add to your RSS reader:
Stanford Social Innovation Review
SSIR is written for and by social change leaders in the nonprofit, business, and government sectors who view collaboration as key to solving environmental, social, and economic justice issues. The publication covers a wide range of subjects, from microfinance and green businesses to social networks and human rights. Its aim is both to inform and to inspire.
Echoing Green Blog
Whether you’re a social entrepreneur with a breakthrough idea to address community challenges or a conscious investor who wants to support innovative solutions, the Echoing Green blog provides fodder to help you springboard your contribution to solving the world’s biggest problems.
Next Billion
NextBillion.net is a website and blog bringing together the community of business leaders, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, policy makers and academics who want to explore the connection between development and enterprise.
It is a discussion forum, networking space, and knowledge base for individuals and organizations interested in improving the lives of the world's approximately four billion low-income producers and consumers.
Reimagine Money Blog
This blog belongs to RSF Social Finance (RSF), a pioneering nonprofit financial services organization dedicated to transforming the way the world works with money. RSF provides capital, in partnership with investors and donors, to nonprofit and for-profit social enterprises addressing key issues in the areas of Food & Agriculture, Education & the Arts, and Ecological Stewardship.
Okay, SocialFinance.ca is technically not a blog, but it is one of our favorite social finance reads on the web. A program of the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing, SocialFinance.ca is a leading online community and information hub for social finance and impact investing in Canada and globally.
The website brings together investors, innovators, and enablers across sectors to build a triple bottom line world – and there’s fresh content almost daily!
On Twitter? Here are five impact investing thought leaders you should follow for news and updates in #SRI (socially responsible investment), #ESG (environmental, social, governance), and #ImpInv (impact investing).
Jed Emerson, Impact Investing and Entrepreneurship Thought Leader; Founding Director, REDF and Larkin Street Services; promoting social and financial innovation globally
Lisa Hall, Former Chief Strategy Officer Calvert Foundation; champion 4 economic and social justice.
Adam Spence, Founder of the @theSVX; Associate Director at MaRSCentre for Impact Investing.
Fran Seegull, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director of ImpactAssets.
Narinder Dhami, Executive Director of Pecaut Centre for Social Impact; Lecturer at U of T; builder of Rise Asset Development; tweets about microfinance and impact investing across Canada and West Africa
What'd we miss?
Have other blogs to suggest? Write them in the comments section!