A Journey to Net-Zero Emissions: Shell Future of Energy

A Journey to Net-Zero Emissions
Net Impact and Shell host the 2020-2021 Future of Energy Challenge: Net Zero Emissions with the aim of facilitating the transition to a lower-carbon energy future
Society faces a dual challenge: how to transition to a lower-carbon energy future while also extending the benefits of energy to everyone on the planet. Tackling this challenge starts by being aware of our impact so that everyone - including investors, companies, customers, and governments officials – can make the right choices. It requires society to come up with new ways for how energy is produced, used, and accessed by people while drastically cutting down on emissions. Believing the energy industry is a force for good, Net Impact continues to facilitate important conversations and supports exploration of solutions across chapter networks and partnerships.
The 2020-2021 Future of Energy Challenge: Net-Zero Emissions asks the next generation of thinkers, inventors, and entrepreneurs to design collaborative, innovative ideas addressing a reduction in scope 3 emissions. This year, select teams will proceed to an eight-week incubator program co-sponsored by Shell and Net Impact. At the end of the 8-week Challenge teams will be expected to be at a Proof of Concept stage, and the winning team will receive $10,000 in resources and funding to invest in the next stage of developing their clean energy start-up.
“Through the Future of Energy Challenge, Net Impact aims to contribute to a net-zero world and support the ambitions outlined in the Paris Agreement. We recognize the need for both corporations and their customers alike to change to meet these goals,” reflects Megan Shea, Net Impact's Chief Program Officer.
This year’s challenge comes on the heels of Shell’s ambition to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 or sooner, keeping in pace with society. Becoming a net-zero emissions energy business is a huge task and Shell’s current business plans will not get the company there. So, Shell’s plans must change over time, as society and customers also change. To do this, Shell will focus on its own operations but also on working with partners and customers to encourage innovation and investment to move the needle on lower-carbon energy solutions and emissions reductions. Globally, Shell supports several startup and entrepreneurship initiatives that aim to learn from each other, the energy sector and other industries while adapting technologies and creating new ones.
In partnership with Shell, Net Impact will share insights and updates on Shell’s initiatives throughout the year. For more information about Shell’s net-zero ambitions, click here. To apply for the Future of Energy Challenge and join the necessary work of developing solutions that can make an impact, click here. Applications are now open, and teams that submit their solution concepts by the early-bird deadline of February 15, 2021, will receive customized feedback on their submissions with the opportunity to re-submit their concepts by the final deadline.