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Chapters of the Year

Chapters of the Year exemplify dedication to Net Impact’s mission by inspiring their local community to make a positive difference in the world through dynamic events, programming, and partnerships. These awesome chapters succeed by accomplishing ambitious goals and facilitating a profound impact on multiple environmental and social issues.

Net Impact's 2016-2017 Chapter of the Year Finalists

Undergraduate Chapters

  • Texas State University - McCoy College of Business
  • New York University - Stern School of Business

Graduate Chapters

  • University of California, Los Angeles - Anderson School of Management
  • University of Pennsylvania - Wharton Social Impact Club

Professional Chapters

  • Philadelphia
  • New York City

International Chapters

  • IIT Kharagpur - Undergraduate
  • University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management - Graduate

Winners Awards

  • Online and LIVE recognition for the Chapter of the Year’s outstanding work, including network email announcements, live recognition at the NI17 Conference, publicity on the Net Impact website, and a feature on the official Net Impact blog
  • Chapter of the Year certificate signed by CEO Liz Maw and handed to chapter leaders on stage at our conference
  • Chapter of the Year logo for use on social media