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Three Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Social Entrepreneurship

About the Webinar

Social Entrepreneurship holds tremendous promise to address some of our most intractable global issues in a replicable manner. Yet arguably, the only sector that has ‘scaled’ in recent history is microfinance – and even that has faced a slew of problems lately. How do we ensure social entrepreneurship meets its potential at a time when we need it to most? On this Q&A style webinar, Parag shares his personal experience as a social entrepreneur and discusses the latest trends in the field.

Parag Gupta
Founder and CEO
Waste Ventures

Parag Gupta is the Founder and CEO of Waste Ventures which creates green livelihoods for waste pickers.  Parag has been active in social entrepreneurship for 10 years as a consultant at the Bridgespan Group, Associate Director of the Schwab Foundation, and founder of two social ventures and four entities. As an advisor, supporter, and do-er, he has seen a lot (probably too much) of the social entrepreneurship field. He has been featured in various media including CNBC, the SF Chronicle, and the Wall Street Journal India affiliate and is a featured blogger on Social Edge of the blog ‘Talking Trash’.