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2023 Chapter Leader Summit


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2023 Chapter Leader Summit

Bringing Impact Leadership to Life

The 2023 Chapter Leader Summit is the convening of Net Impact Chapter Leaders from around the world, coming together to get inspired, adopt best practices, and learn how to be successful as a Chapter Leader. Whether you are an experienced Chapter Leader or brand new on the leadership team, you won't want to miss this two-day virtual event designed exclusively for our Chapter leadership teams!

Chapter leadership teams will walk away with: 

  • Tangible tools provided by Net Impact Central and other leaders to help you and your chapter be successful
  • Valuable insights from other Chapter Leaders based on real-world experiences 
  • Opportunities to connect with and build relationships with other leaders around the world
  • Motivation to inspire and lead your Chapter for an impactful year ahead - designed by and for chapter leaders 

At least one member of your Chapter's leadership team must be present on each day of the summit, but it does not need to be the same person. Multiple chapter leaders are encouraged to attend on both days. Gold status points will be awarded for each session a member attends. Each leader will receive 50 gold status points for attending one day and 125 gold status points for attending both days. For example, if three Chapter Leaders attend both days of the summit, your Chapter will receive 375 Gold Status Points. 

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 28, and Sunday, October 29 at 9 am-12 pm PT / 12-3 pm ET / 4-7 pm UTC to join us virtually! View time in my time zone.


*If you cannot attend Days 1 and 2 of the summit, we're offering a makeup session on Thursday, November 2 at 6-8 AM PST / 9-11 AM EST / 1-3 PM UCT. You can sign up for the makeup session using the same registration link as the main event. View time in my time zone.

Full Agenda 

DAY 1: Saturday, October 28th

Session Start Time

Session Title

Session Description

9 am PT/ 12 pm ET

Summit Kick Off

Introduction of the day ahead and how to make the most of the summit. 

9:10 am PT / 12:10 pm ET

Driving the Change: Our Stories, Our Impact 

Presentation by Net Impact staff on our impact as a global chapter community!

9:20 am PT / 12:20 pm ET

Chapter of the Year Leadership: Exploring "The How"

Panel with our Chapter of the Year Leaders on their experiences managing a wildly successful Net Impact Chapter. Get ready to take notes and bring questions! 

10 am PT / 1 pm ET

Reflection Breakout Rooms

A moment to reflect on the wisdom from the Chapter of the Year Leaders with your fellow chapter leaders. 

10:15 am PT / 1:15 pm ET 

Must-Know Resources for Success: A Game of TRIVIA

Get to know what resources are available to you as a Chapter Leader with our favorite interactive game - TRIVIA! 

10:30 am PT / 1:30 pm ET

15-minute Break 

Grab some coffee or a snack to get fueled up for the next half of the summit! 

10:45 am PT / 1:45 pm ET

Leadership Skillshares SESSION 1

Presentations from select Chapter Leaders on leadership skills that will help you lead and manage your chapter successfully. You will have a choice of two presentations to choose from depending on what you think will be most relevant to you. 

Room 1: University of San Francisco Graduate Chapter: Rebuilding a Net Impact Chapter with Nevadit Chaudry

Room 2: Central Texas College Undergraduate Chapter: Leadership Structure & Team Organization with Christi Strohfus

11:15 am PT / 2:15 pm ET

Leadership Skillshares SESSION 2

Same as above with a new round of speakers! 

Room 1: Mary Baldwin University Undergraduate Chapter: Using SDGs for Strategy Design with Grace Gardner

Room 2: Carnegie Mellon University Graduate: Tailoring Programming to Your Local Community with Bobby Lee

11:45 am PT / 2:45 pm ET 

Summit Close Out: Taking it Home

Wrap up and thanks for the Summit


DAY 2: Sunday, October 29th

Session Start Time

Session Title

Session Description

9 am PT / 12 pm ET


Introduction for the day ahead and how to make the most of the summit.

9:15 am PT / 12:15 pm ET

Alumni Speaker Oxana Ermolova: Inspiring Impact Leadership  

Hear from an impact professional and Net Impact Chapter Leader Alumni who works in the field. Learn about their words of wisdom for navigating a career of impact. 

9:45 am PT / 12:45 pm ET

CEO Fireside Chat: A Conversation with Karen Y. Johns 

Fireside chat with Net Impact CEO and Associate Director Hilary Manzo on what's on the horizon for Net Impact HQ. Bring your questions! 

10:15 am PT / 1:15 pm ET

Leadership Reflection Exercise: What Kind of Leader Are You?

Leadership development workshop to reflect on your individual leadership style 

10:30 am PT / 1:30 pm ET 

15 min Break

Break time! Grab a coffee or snack to refuel for the second half of the summit!

10:45 am PT / 1:45 pm ET

Chapter Project Debriefs SESSION 1 

Debrief a Net Impact Chapter project with the Chapter Leader who ran it. Hear about what went well, their key learnings, and best practices for the project. You'll get inspired on projects you might want to run yourself! You'll have the option to choose from two presentations depending on what sounds most relevant and helpful to you. 

Room 1: Georgetown Graduate: Clean Energy and Emerging Markets Career Day with Mizna Kanafani

Room 2: Montreal Professional: Sustainable Food Systems Project with Luise Stahl

11:15 am PT / 2:15 pm ET

Chapter Project Debriefs SESSION 2

Same as the above but with a new round of speakers! 

Room 1: University of California Berkeley Undergraduate: Case Coaching Sessions with Varun Nair, Ryan Jang

Room 2: University of Rochester Graduate: Earth Day Pop Up with Mikayla Platt

11:45 am PT / 2:45 pm ET 

Summit Close Out: Taking It Home

Close out of the summit. 


Alumni Speaker


Oxana Ermolova

Oxana Ermolova, Director of Strategic Partnerships at United Way of Greater Los Angeles 

Oxana spent her childhood in Kazakhstan and trained to be a professional dancer before committing to a career in the impact space. She worked at the LA County Arts & Culture Department and a variety of arts nonprofits prior to pursuing an MBA at UCLA, where she was an active member of Net Impact.

During her graduate studies, she conducted field research for on a Gates Foundation project to advance female financial inclusion. Seeing the power of access to affordable capital inspired her to join Grameen America, the fastest growing microfinance organization in the US, to drive investment in women entrepreneurs. She applied her passion for convening key stakeholders across private and public sectors as Senior Director of Corporate Partnerships at City Year LA to deploy AmeriCorps members in LAUSD’s most under-resourced schools.

Oxana currently serves as Director of Strategic Partnerships at the United Way of Greater Los Angeles, where she is focused on building philanthropic partnerships that advance a more equitable future for all Angelenos. She is also a freelance consultant to early-stage nonprofits as well as startups looking to integrate CSR practices into core operations, and is the incoming co-chair of Emergency Practitioners in Philanthropy, LA Chapter.