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Groundswell Rising, a new powerful documentary film focused on fracking in communities across America, has landed in Colorado. The film will be screened at Colorado State University (Clark A Building, Rm 205, directly south of the Lory Student Center, 1101 Central Avenue Mall, Fort Collins, CO 80521) on Tuesday, February 24, beginning at 7 pm, in conjunction with CSU’s Net Impact and Food & Water Watch. Groundswell Rising documents a social movement that has sprung forth from a heated debate over fracking and communities being sacrificed for the extraction of another fossil fuel. It’s about people taking charge of their communities and not allowing a dangerous industry to move in and harm their ways of life and finding new, healthy energy solutions. This film explores the moral and ethical issues caused by this harmful and largely unregulated fracking industry. Groundswell Rising focuses on the people in the fractivist movement. There are powerful interviews from many people, including folks from Colorado such as the women from Erie Rising, Shane Davis and Rod Breuski. This is a film that embraces a “yes we can attitude” and reinforces the fact that activists outnumber Colorado’s well count by almost two to one. The film was directed and produced by Renard and Matt Cohen, of Emmy Award winning Resolution Pictures, Mark Lichty, Executive Producer and Dave Walczak, Associate Producer of the film. It was shot on location in Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington, DC. This screening will include a Q & A discussion following the film with Mark Lichty, the executive producer. The film is 72 minutes in length.