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Do you ever say to yourself…

How do I turn professional contacts into actual job leads?
There are people in my network who want to help me, but I'm not sure how to take
the next step with them.
What do I say, how do I introduce myself, how do get them to want to help me?
Just the idea of “working a room” at a conference gives me a migraine.

Many people think networking is about how many LinkedIn contacts they can acquire or how many business cards they can collect. But it is not about quantity. It's about strategically building mutually beneficial relationships.

Come learn how to take your own networking to the next level through:
- turning acquaintances into advocates
- fine-tuning your "elevator pitch" so that you can talk about yourself in a way that enables others to help you
- navigating an event with confidence (whether you're an introvert or an extrovert!)