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Net Impact Week: Inspiring Growth and Impact - a week dedicated to exploring and challenging social impact's role in the business context. This week is from October 26 - 31 with 12+ events (workshops, lunch and learns, student panels, community service, and social).

Want to learn what impact investing is, what it entails, roles in the space and the skillsets needed to succeed in the space? Interested in walking through an example about how to value an impact company?

Come hear Tasha Seitz (Kellogg professor, CIO of Impact Engine) provide an overview about impact investing and roles in the space. Afterwards, Professor Scott Baker focus specifically on the early stage/seed valuation aspect of impact investing and walk through an example of how an impact investor would value a company.

This boot camp is hands on; laptops are requested to get the most out of the session. By the end of it you will have a deeper understanding of the space and how valuations are done.