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The PERC Conference will take place on November 12, 2014. It is a one day conference ran by the Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium (PERC), hosted by Penn State's Sustainability Institute and Net Impact.

There will be a morning and an afternoon session to learn about different aspects of environmental resource use and the education behind it, as well as a poster session. Organizations are asked to make a poster to represent themselves, and share information to all other members at the conference.

Net Impact will co-host this event, while also participating in the poster session and volunteering to help. Lastly, Net Impact members can also attend the conference's various panels throughout the day.

Members can sign for the various activities:
Sign in - early morning shifts, where you will sign in the conference attendees. Short shifts and great way to show Net Impact's presence at the conference & network.

Poster session - we'll have a poster display about all the things our Net Impact chapter is doing. Again, a great way to talk up our chapter and find some collaboration opportunities!

Presentation - 10 minute talk about Net Impact to the entire conference (about 100 attendees). This won't be too intimidating, just a small presentation about our club to get the word out! Especially good for other NI chapters in PA.