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Posted by Derek Morrison_2 on

Contact for updates to all event dates/times/locations/etc.

5:30 PM Meeting with N.I. Central at ASU
7:00 PM Happy Hour at HandleBar Tempe
RSVP with

Information Session
Join us to learn about Net Impact, and how our Phoenix Professional Chapter can help you achieve greater purpose. Open to any business professional interested in changing the world.
Location: Scottsdale Sportball Gym

MARCH 30th
Kickoff Event
Come one, come all! Out of the ashes rises the Phoenix Professional Chapter! This one-hour event will be host to guest experts in Economics, Environment, and Technology trends effecting businesses. There will be light hors d’oeuvres and some time for open Q&A afterward. We’ve invited our friends at the ASU Graduate Chapter of Net Impact, as well as several local business leaders.
Location: Natural Grocers in Scottsdale - northwest corner of Thunderbird and Scottsdale Rd.
No cost to attend – PLEASE RSVP

Guest Speaker: The New Economy
On-Demand Consumers / Cryptographic Tokens, Currency and Contracts / Machine Learning, RPA and IoT / Alternate Fuel and Autonomous Vehicles / Gig Workers / Crowdsource and Crowdfund / Health & Purpose before Wealth & Surplus / Circular Economy / Governing the Commons / Triple Bottom Lines

Think and Drink
Location: TBD

Reimagine Phoenix RISN Tour

Charity Fundraiser Event
Location: TBD

Open Forum
What issues matter to you? What resources, connections and capabilities does Net Impact Phoenix and the Greater Net Impact Organization possess which can support YOU.

B Certification Workshop
Location: TBD

Human Centered Design Think - Challenge
Location: TBD

Human Centered Design Think - Awards
Location: TBD

Guest Speaker: Measuring the ROI of CSR
Discover metrics, awards, recognition and accolades available for Businesses working toward greater environmental, employee and community responsibility. And learn how to turn social responsibility into more corporate savings and increased revenues.

Net Zero Building Tour

Plan for Net Impact 2018 Conference in Phoenix, AZ
Location: TBD

Guest Speaker: Social Capital and the new Social Contract
Location: TBD

Plan for ASU Graduate Chapter Networking Night
Location: TBD