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Non Profits generated nearly $1.51 trillion of revenue in 2010.
~ 64.5 million Americans, or 26.5% of the adult population, volunteered 7.9 billion hours worth $175 billion in 2012.
Join us for A Presentation and Panel Q&A about topics including – NPO Organization, Governance, and Mission; Boards of Directors; What it Means to Be Involved.
Food and Drinks will be available for purchase from the kitchen until it closes at 8 pm.
6.15 – Introductions and Description of Evening’s Activities.
6.30 – Presentation: Non-Profits – Organization, Purposes, Governance and Mission
7.00 – Panel Questions and Answer Session
7.30 – Networking and Socializing. The remainder of the evening will be available for information chatting and socializing.