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Thank you to all that came to our Lunch and Learn with special guest speaker, Alia Sunderji, and thank you to our volunteer Hilary Fife for introducing our speaker.

Alia shared her courageous story about how she left her comfortable career in order to follow her dream of making a positive impact on the world. She shifted from profit maximization to purpose maximization. This move has led her to the creation of two social entrepreneurial businesses, “Liv & Lola” and “Luv the Grub”. Liv & Lola helps women in rural areas in Central America by providing fair wages for the creation of boho-chic apparel and home décor. Luv the Grub, a jam company that is made with rescued produce, helps women here in BC, by employing women with barriers to employment.

The takeaway from her inspirational story: find what matters to you and “go get the things you want rather than take what is given to you”. And don’t be afraid to ask others for help- the worst they can say is “no”. And chances are, if your values align with theirs, they’ll be eager to help.

Follow Alia’s inspirational work:

Instagram and Twitter: @livandlola
