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Posted by Demba Kandeh on

The general meeting for members was held on Monday the 3rd of August at LK School (Kairaba Avenue). Thank you to all of the members who attended and to the executive team for hosting it! Photos to come!

There was a general meeting for members on Monday the 3rd of August in LK school (Kairaba Avenue). purpose of the meeting was to acquaint members with the organization and their role as members and also involve them in the planning process. Members were briefed on the current status and upcoming activities of the organization. Upcoming activities include a reproductive health campaign, civic education project, environmental campaign and a site visit (cleaning exercise) to a hospital. Members were divided into groups based on their interests (Health, Education, Environment/Community Development). Also, as part of the environmental campaign, it was decided to have a tree planting exercise where the team will plant trees on the grounds of LK School and also plant trees individually.Additional information was provided. The meeting ended with a group photo.