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Jen Anderson is the Managing Supervisor at VOX Global's Washington, D.C. office, where she works with clients on sustainability reporting and is trained in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting framework. In this "CSR Tools of the Trade Workshop," Jen will discuss how her firm has helped Crocs, AT&T, Ernst & Young, and other big-name clients respond to investor demands for sustainability transparency before sharing specific tools and approaches VOX Global uses to help clients develop a sustainability strategy and create a coordinated, reportable sustainability program from scratch. Participants will leave the session with a better idea of the kind of work CSR consultants are asked to do and some basic tools they can use to do something similar.

Note that VOX Global offers a full-time paid internship focused on corporate sustainability in their Boston, MA office during the spring and summer semesters. You can ask Jen your questions at the event!