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Last Saturday, February 28, Chelsey Evans, Nathalie Hudson, Joe Sadek, and Lisa Tessier attended Net Impact Boston’s 2nd annual Career Summit, which brings together local professionals, job-seekers, and graduate students with businesses and organization that are committed to social and environmental impact. A collaboration among local Net Impact chapters, including the Fletcher School’s chapter, featured exhibitors from the for-profit, nonprofit, and government sectors.

The conference convened at Boston University’s School of Management, which hosted a diversity of cross-sector professionals from the Boston metro area. The morning keynote was a panel discussion on sustainability and cross-sector partnerships. Ten workshops were organized in total, some of which included Tufts alumni. The Fletcher School’s Chelsey Evans and Nathalie Hudson organized a third session panel: Creating Social Impact through New Business Approaches moderated by Ambereen Mirza, lecturer at Tufts’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Program. The closing keynote was given by Harvard’s Gregory Norris on industry and environmental impact. He invited attendees to attend Harvard’s SHINE conference to be held this spring, June 4-5.

This year’s conference was truly informative and broadened the way we think about industry’s role in social impact. Boston offers a rich community of entrepreneurs and thought-leaders on these topics. As such, I would encourage all those interested in corporate social responsibility, sustainable business, and environment to take advantage of programming like this in the future. Keep a look out on our website for great events to come!

-Joe Sadek