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We’re excited and pleased to invite you to participate in the 1st ever Net Impact/HUB SuperCollider on Monday, Oct. 27th, from 5-8pm at Impact HUB Boulder (map).

For the first time a partnership between students from the CU’s Net Impact chapter, the Center for Education on Social Responsibility (CESR) and Impact HUB Boulder, has been formalized and we’re excited to share the first event in that budding relationship!

If you haven't been to one of HUB’s Supercolliders, they're highly interactive gatherings where we connect two groups of people who wouldn't naturally connect. The Net Impact/HUB SuperCollider will bring together business leaders who are currently shaping the Boulder Impact community and CU MBA students who will be the next generation of impact leaders.

Why are building these connections so important?

For students the benefit is clear - they're all ultimately future entrepreneurs and job seekers, and will gain through meaningful connections and interactions, which may ultimately lead to jobs and internships. For the entrepreneur we believe that you’ll benefit by learning about the diversity of projects and emerging models, as well as the fresh thinking and creative problem solving, that is come out of the business school every year. Come to hear directly from students what they’re working on and what they envision for our community.

As a SuperCollider the night will be organized as several different events, all designed to connect people in an organic way, to solve problems in a collaborative format, and provide short talks to share knowledge within the community. We need your help and participation. Please RSVP and let us know how you’d like to be involved.

RSVP Here -