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ISSP just reached 100,000 members! On Friday, Dec 12/12/2014, Stephan Levitsky who is the Director of Corporate Sustainability at American Sugar Refining, Inc announced these great news:

"This is an exciting week for me and for the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) organization. I started the Sustainability Professionals group on LinkedIn in February of 2008 when LinkedIn first opened groups on their platform. My main goal with doing this – bring together like professionals to discuss ideas, challenges, and successes in the profession. Essentially a network of professionals working to make the human society a more sustainable one.

On Tuesday we reached 100,000 members in the group. If you told me 6 years ago I would build a network of 100,000 people to share sustainability issues I would have laughed, but here we are today with a great network of sustainability professionals that are located around the globe.

So, in recognition of this accomplishment I have spoken with the Board of ISSP and we have agreed to give all members of the Sustainability Professionals group on LinkedIn a discount of 33% until January 31, 2015 ($100 for professionals in the US, and $50 for full-time students)"

Follow this link to receive a discount: