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San Francisco Green Drinks is a volunteer-run, free, public event held between 5:30 and 7:30pm on the first Tuesday of every month at Southside Spirit House. Green Drinkers are welcome to come and go as they please and are encouraged to invite new friends into our green community. Volunteer Greeters welcome you to the event while Connectors help start conversation and point out resources, Sponsors and Community Partners.

The monthly event is typically sponsored by two organizations from the Bay Area who help fund the event and provide free beverages to those Green Drinkers who arrive early or who uniquely participate in our community. In exchange, Sponsors have the unique opportunity to table at the event and share who they are, what makes them green and how they serve the Bay Area as a business, non-profit, or organization.

Sustainable-grown food, organic wine, special cocktails and unique entertainment are typical elements to this community event.