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Are you job seeking? Looking to make a career change into the sustainability field? Or just interested in seeing what the local sustainability community is up to? Come network with well-established sustainability professionals in the community in DCNI’s annual Celebrity Networking Event. It has always been a popular event within our membership and we are pleased to host it again this year with a new line-up of guest sustainability professionals ("celebrities"). They will be delighted to share with you their experiences in the field, the latest challenges they are facing, career advice for those looking to get in, and all-around engaging conversation.  

The format will be in the form of speed networking, where a group of participants will engage with one celebrity for 10 minutes, then go to the next celebrity for the following round. At the end of six rounds, there will be time for open mingling amongst the celebrities and participants. This event is a fabulous way to get a leg up on your sustainability-related networking without the pressure of a formal networking process.

Please register here on Eventbrite for access to the event, and see below for more information on the celebrities participating this year!

6pm – Check-in, mingling with peers
6:30pm – Remarks from DCNI Leadership
6:35pm – Speed networking sessions start
7:45pm – Mingling amongst celebrities and peers