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Food Solutions Resource Bank

Food Solutions Resource Bank

General Resources about Food Loss

  1. Videos
    1. ​Food Wastage Footprint (3:15) by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    2. Empowering smallholder farmers to reduce post-harvest loss (3:40) by World Food Program 
    3. Big Data, Tech Boosts Production for Illinois Farm (3:36) by AgWeb
    4. Food-Waste Rebel Wants You to Eat Ugly Food (3:10) by National Geographic
    5. Wasted! The Story of Food Waste (1 hour 30 mins) Wasted! aims to change the way people buy, cook, recycle, and eat food
    6. Science Moms (30 mins) Science Moms gives a voice to the science-minded moms - the women who are too often drowned out by the fear mongers and the shamers
    7. Food Evolution (1 hour 30 minds) Food Evolution shows how easily misinformation, confusion, and fear can overwhelm objective analysis
  2. Websites
    1. Feeding 9 Billion by National Geographic Magazine
    2. Big Facts on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security by CGIAR (Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security)
    3. Food Waste Solutions by ReFed
  3. Articles
    1. Reducing Food Loss and Waste by the World Resources Institute
    2. One-Third of Food is Lost or Wasted: What Can Be Done by Elizabeth Royte, National Geographic
    3. Global Food Losses and Food Waste by Rebert van Otterdijk and Alexandre Meybeck for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    4. Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations

Case Study Additional Resources

Cassava Resources

  1. Videos
    1. ​Cassava post-harvest treatment (4:09) by Africa Knowledge Zone
    2. Harvesting Cassava roots (0:20) by Dutch Agricultural Development and Trading Company
  2. Websites
    1. ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss at the University of Illinois
    2. Postharvest Center at UC Davis
  3. Articles
    1. Post-Harvest Deterioration of Cassava: A Biotechnology Perspective by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    2. An overview of traditional processing and utilitization of cassava in Africa by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    3. Cassava Bacterial Blight and Postharvest Physiological Deterioration Production Losses and Control Strategies by University of Washington
    4. Overview of Cassava Value Chain and Drivers of Spoilage by the Rockefeller Foundation

Surplus Production Resources

  1. Videos
    1. Just Eat It - Field Waste - Cauliflower (Deleted Scene) (1:08) by Grant Baldwin
    2. Just Eat It - Field Waste - Celery (Deleted Scene) (1:02) by Grant Baldwin
  2. Articles
    1. Wasted: How America is Losing up to 40 Percent of its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill by the National Resources Defense Council
    2. Growing Almonds in the Desert by Mike Sager for Esquire
    3. The Crazy Sequence of Events that is Making Almonds Cheaper Again by Roberto Ferdman for the Chicago Tribune

Food Loss and Waste Standard Resources 

  1. Websites
    1. ​Food Loss and Waste Protocol main website
  2. Articles
    1. ​Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard: Executive Summary by the Food Loss and Waste Protocol
    2. Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard: Full Summary by the Food Loss and Waste Protocol
    3. IKEA Food: Using the FLW Standard by the Food Loss and Waste Protocol
    4. Food waste in cities: NRDC Reporting using the FLW Standard by the Food Loss and Waste Protocol
    5. Nestle Dairy Factories in Pakistan: Losses Across the Value Chain by the Food Loss and Waste Protocol