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Chapter Programs

Chapter Programs

Net Impact chapters host activities that build their members’ skills, interests, and abilities to pursue lifelong careers with impact. Net Impact supports our chapters by offering a rich portfolio of programs and events that chapter leaders can share with their members.

As a chapter leader, we encourage you to explore the categories below and pick 2-3 programming activities for your chapter.

Net Impact Signature Events

Net Impact Local: Apply to receive support from team members at Net Impact Central to host a regional conference.

Design sprint: Use human-centered design and design thinking to generate solutions for real world challenges.

Check back soon for new programs!


Learn more about our current competitions, and check back for updates. Chapter leaders can help publicize these opportunities to chapter members and beyond, and you may want to run your own mini-competition to help members generate quality ideas.

2017 Net Impact Pitch Competition: Using our toolkit and up to $40 from Net Impact, host an event to generate and/or refine ideas that address a social or environmental challenge. Then get feedback from our experts, further refine with your team, and submit for the chance to compete as a finalist at the 2017 Net Impact Conference in Atlanta, with partial travel stipend, free conference registration, and the chance to win cash prizes.

Up to Us: Join our competition that empowers students to educate their peers on our long-term national debt, how it could affect their economic opportunities, and what their generation can do to have a voice in raising awareness of our fiscal challenges.

Food Solutions Challenge: Host a local challenge designed to raise awareness and holistic thinking around issues stemming from food production and distribution with toolkits and funding from Net Impact Central. Participants will dream up a blueprint that will move us toward a carbon neutral food supply chain with a chance to incubate their ideas at a global food solutions conference.

Toyota Next Generation Mobility Challenge: Host a challenge in which interdisciplinary student groups design solutions that improve mobility for underserved populations. At 15 events across the country, teams use the human-centered design process to create innovative transportation solutions with feedback from Toyota experts. The best ideas from each campus  continue on to compete for a summer internship with Toyota in which they can bring their mobility solution to life.

[Closed] UniGame Solution Sprint: Host a fun, lively 90-minute ideation and pitch session on your campus to generate solutions to Unilever’s real-life business case. Net Impact has developed a toolkit that guides you through the process. If you hold the Sprint, you’ll reduce your chapter dues and earn 200 points toward Gold status! Click here for more details.


[Closed] Net Impact FellowshipsApply to participate in the year-long Net Impact Fellowship where you will receive leadership development training, free tickets to the 2016 Net Impact Conference in Philadelphia from Nov. 3-5, and support the implementation of an action project on your campus or in your community that makes an impact. Net Impact is currently selecting fellows focused on racial equity, healthy food, criminal justice, and impact design.

Community Activities

Need more activity inspiration and ideas?

Events and Programs: Check out these activities and supporting toolkits. Events are short activities to keep members engaged and energized, and to quickly create impact. Programs are long-term activities for deeper resume building, skill refinement, and impact.

Past activities: Peruse some of the best chapter activities from the last few years, including 201420132012Chapters of the Year, the Upcoming Events Calendar.


Share your story!

Remember to track your activities to complete chapters annual report. Program details to track include:

  • Detailed description of the program (if not a Net Impact Central organized program)
  • Partners (other Net Impact chapters, departments on campus, nonprofit organizations, businesses, etc.)
  • Number of participants

Highlight the programs that your chapter organizes on your chapter page. Share details, updates, and photos from your programs so that your members, potential members, and other chapters can see the great work you’re doing! Learn how here.