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Awards and Recognition

Awards and Recognition

Net Impact Central is proud of our community and annually awards chapters who have gone and above and beyond. With only about 30% of chapters achieving Gold Status, we are excited about the combined impact we can make as we strive to do more together! Our top chapters compete for Chapter of the Year. We applaud our top chapters for helping us make Net Impact a stronger community.

Gold Status

Gold status recognizes chapters that go above and beyond in providing their members with opportunities to make an impact in their community, learn and grow as individuals, and engage with the larger Net Impact community. Gold chapters earn special benefits at Net Impact events & conferences, recognition on Net Impact’s website, and consideration for Chapter of the Year.

We recognize that this year is different and challenging for our chapters around the world. We will continue to assess the situation and will adjust the ways to earn Gold status as needed to meet the needs of chapters at the moment.

Details for Gold Status for 2021-22

To achieve Gold status, chapters must fulfill all Net Impact requirements and earn 1000 points from the list of options below for activity from July 2021 - June 2022:

Develop a Strong Leadership Team

  • Have at least 1 leader attend chapter leader trainings - 250 points
  • Have a chapter advisor registered with Net Impact on February 1, 2022 (student chapters only) - 150 points
    • Professional chapters will be given a 100 point credit since this is not applicable to them

Participate in Net Impact Programs, Events, and Community

Share with the Community

  • Share your chapters’ experience through Net Impact’s blog and/or other opportunities - 50 points per opportunity, details TBD
  • Be active on the Chapter Leader Slack Community - 50 points per leader

View all Gold Chapters

Chapters of the Year

Chapters of the Year exemplify dedication to Net Impact’s mission by inspiring their local community to make a positive difference in the world through dynamic events, programming, and partnerships in five categories: Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional, International Student, and International Professional. These chapters succeed by accomplishing ambitious goals and facilitating a profound impact across multiple environmental, economic, and social issues.

2020-21 Chapters of the Year

  • Undergraduate: Mesa Community College
  • Graduate: Northwestern University, Kellogg Graduate School of Management
  • Professional: New York City
  • International Student: Indian School of Business
  • International Professional: Amsterdam, Netherlands