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This event is targeted at addressing the need for pure dinking water and good sanitation platforms in local/rural communities, primary schools both in urban and rural areas and, police cells to help curb and prevent outbreak of diseases.

Dirty Water Causes Needless Suffering.
Every day in rural communities and poor urban centers throughout sub-Saharan Africa, hundreds of millions of people suffer from a lack of access to clean water. Women and girls especially bear the burden of walking miles at a time to gather water from streams and ponds – full of water-borne disease that is making them and their families sick. Illness from drinking dirty water and the time lost fetching it robs entire communities of their futures. Hope is put on hold in over half of the developing world’s primary schools without access to water and sanitation.

However, the high costs associated with drilling for water, and the technical challenges in finding sources that are large enough to serve the population in need, present challenge that limit tapping the resource. Groundwater is not a fail-safe resource, either, when it comes to providing clean water. It left to wonder why. So, we decided to help. We’d like you to join us.