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Chapter event


- Join our tour of Scout Books, a local notebook manufacturer, next Friday, April 7 @ 10:30am.


Net Impact is going an upcoming field trip to a local B Corp coffee roaster, Nossa Familia.


To celebrate, and learn about a cool local brewery, we're hosting our first Industry Field Trip to Hopworks Brewery on SE Powell, on Tuesday Dec 13th, from 3:30 to 5:00pm.


NEW! Join business leaders in a 3-day master class workshop to learn, share and co-create a pathway to betterment. Explore how happiness can create growth and lead to a sustainable economy.


Learn about two socially-conscious businesses and their worker-ownership models - ANNIE WINKLER, Production Manager, Worker-Owner, and Board President of Real Pickles ( and BILL


Bring your friends and join us for some trivia fun involving environmental and business questions! Prizes include HYDROFLASK, SOLAR CHARGER, and a BAMBOO SUNGLASSES.


Happy spring! We are excited to invite you to join Green Drinks DC and DC Net Impact for a combined April happy hour in celebration of Earth Day!


Members of the Grossman School of Business and the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources joined forces during a "Design thinking workshop based on environmental research projects."


Please join Net Impact on the first ever Responsible Business Trek to Chicago.


The 2017 Clark University Case Competition challenges students to apply their analytical skills in solving a real-life sustainability business case.


Clark University Net Impact chapter has arranged for a panel discussion on Corporate Sustainability with panelists from Clark, Biogen, National Grid and Staples.


Net Impact will be hosting a series of workshops to prepare students for a case competition to be held in the Spring.


A Workshop to Develop Sustainable Solutions to Emerging Water Problems


This initiative focused on creating awareness about stem cell donation in India, the positive impact it can have on terminally ill patients suffering blood disorders, and encouraging members of ISB


In order to celebrate the joy of giving around one of India's most prominent festivals, Diwali, the ISB Hyderabad campus organized a week long campaign: #DriveTheChange Week.


There has been an explosion of job growth in the fields of sustainability, corporate social responsibility, community engagement, and impact investing within the business community.


To provide students a hands-on opportunity to apply their classroom learning, and solve real life issues faced by non-profits, the Net Impact club sourced three pro-bono consulting projects for stu


The Net Impact club organized a national-level case competition inviting students from across graduate and business schools to propose solutions for improving quality of education delivery through


As part of this event, students got an opportunity to interact with Suman Sasmal, MD, Wadhwani Foundation, on the opportunities in social entrepreneurship, and the organization's work in the area o


As part of this session, students got an opportunity to interact with Lalitha Mohan, Co-Founder of Mohan Foundation, on the challenges with respect to organ donation in India, and how communities n


As part of this session, students got an opportunity to interact with Mrinalini Shastry, Consultant, Govt.


As part of this session, students got an opportunity to interact with Anand Agarwal, Consultant, FSG India, and learn about opportunities and working in the development consulting space.


As part of this session, Abhinav Kapoor, student at the Hyderabad campus, shared his learning and experience of working with Jagriti Yatra, a 15 day program where volunteers travel via train across


Session conducted on Impact Investing by student of Mohali campus - Ishaan Mishra covering his work in the field, basic concepts of impact investing and the future outlook of this field.


Invited Mr. Balagi Singh Chowhan, Executive Director at Care Today (India Today).


For the first time in ISB, the Net Impact clubs at Hyderabad and Mohali campuses organized a learning trek for students interested in social impact careers.


Collaboration with Rotary Blood Bank Society, Chandigarh for a one day Blood Donation camp organised in the campus wellness centre.


Strategic planning meeting for incoming leadership


Final event of the Net Impact year. Thank first-year leadership and send off the second-years with gratitude and wishes of luck.


Participants dreamed up a blueprint that will move us toward a carbon neutral food supply chain for a chance to incubate their ideas at a global food solutions conference.


The Second Impact Investing Symposium re-entered the conversation of impact investing through a St. Louis lens.


Local CCS representatives spoke with students to engage MBAs about philanthropy and potential career opportunities. CCS was also presenting for the Brown School of Social Work on this day.


An inside look at food sustainability from industry leaders, Monsanto on Friday, January 20th at 1 PM.


This year, we sent four net impact members to participate in and learn from the national conference. In fact, one of our leadership team introduced CEO of WalMart


Hosted happyhour networking with San Fran-based non-profit consulting firm, Third Plateau. Founder is Olin grad.


Our mission is to engage and empower Washington University in St. Louis and the professional community to
use our careers to drive positive, social, environmental, and economic change.


Co-hosted luncheon with EVCA for students to interact with Advantage Capital.


Co-hosted monthly Olin happy hour with Entrepreneurship & Venture Capital Association. Held at the Cortex, celebrating the launch of the new school year.


In conjunction with Olin's Meet the Firms networking week, Net Impact invited companies attending the campus event to participate in a luncheon for socially minded MBA students.


CU and CSU Net Impact chapters came together and had a tour of New Belgium focused on sustainability. There were 20 attendees.


We were interested to learn, connect, and support the Fort Collins community through Net Impact.


There is a strong desire to learn more about the renewable energy initiatives that are being undertaken here in the Lower Mainland and in Western Canada.


The photograph of three-year-old Alan Kurdi lying face down on a Turkish beach in 2015 gained international media attention for the global refugee crisis, prompting the need to provide support to r


Does your mission statement include giving back to the community and helping others? Is social entrepreneurship a key fabric of your business acumen?

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