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Chapter event


SGE club meetings offer students perspective, advice and education on careers and trends in the sustainability space.


Come meet the MBA '15 SGE members for a rapid succession discussion on internships, career advice and more.


SGE Club is headed West to visit companies in the Bay Area.


Join GGU's Net Impact chapter to visit Uncommon Good, a local non-profit dedicated to breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and working toward the restoration of our planet.


Join the Food & Wine Club and Net Impact for a conversation with Dan Wright of Teatulia about tea farming in Bangladesh, branding and sales of organic products, the process of b-corp certificat


Nolan Gasser, a critically acclaimed composer, pianist, and musicologist who created Pandora Radio’s Music Genome Project will speak about its insights and the future of impact measurement.


Exclusive breakfast to meet and talk with Tim Coffin VP at Breckinridge Capital Partners about their strategies to integrate social, environmental and governance metrics into their portfolio evalua


The culmination of our campus wide case competition to green Wash U's campus. Winners take home $5000 and multiple prizes for attendees.


Students who participated in the 2014 Net Impact Conference met to debrief and share learnings from sessions and conversations.


Community service event with Bread for the City, providing high quality and natural foods through local co-op farming projects.


Career trek to visit Honest Tea's corporate headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland. Opportunity for students to learn about green brands, community engagement and Bcorps.


Co-hosted networking event for DC-based graduate Net Impact chapters.


Hosted Lunch and Learn for incoming MBAs on Net Impact, Smith's Center for Social Value Creation and social impact careers.


Social Enterprise community leaders spoke on their impact careers and B Corp Certification.


Sent members to Duke Fuqua's signature event and had some of our members speak at it as panelists.


Visited the country's only B Corp restaurant & brewery where the head brewer led a tour and beer tasting to introduce us to sustainable and responsible brewing.


Here's a fun assignment everyone is welcome to take part in: We're conducting research on food trucks as part of the Life's Kitchen project and there happens to be a food truck fair downtown this


We're checking in to see how things are going, and share the successes, failures and updates on each group's projects.


Let's all gather one more time to celebrate all of our chapter's successes this year. There will be a slide show celebrating this year's chapter accomplishments and information about next year.


To continue ushering in our great new semester, all MBA & MSA classmates are cordially invited to mix & to mingle at SFSU's Graduate Business Spring Semester Kick-Off Mixer.


Lunch with Paul Schumacher, Director of Social Venture Partners


Presentation on non-profit marketing


Dinner with Bob Langart, VP of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at McDonalds


Dinner and presentation at Cultivate - a restaurant that is partnered with he UW farm to source sustainable food.


Workshop at the national NI conference for chapter leaders


Tour of a chocolate manufacturer that has a strong sustainability component. The COO spoke about sustainable sourcing and manufacturing and how this is incorporated into the brand.


BBQ to introduce incoming MBA students to the Net Impact Club.


The Foster chapter co-hosted a happy hour with the University of Oregon and BGI chapters


Event exclusive for Service Corps student consultants and participating non-profit clients.


Hosted event for all participating Service Corps student, non-profits, and consulting firms.


The three Service Corps teams presented their findings to each of the clients. Students, friends, family, and professors were invited to attend the final presentation.


This monthly meeting was dedicated to checking-in on current consulting and board fellows projects.


This was a monthly meeting to discuss and gather feedback from the Sustainability Summit, consulting projects, and monthly meetings throughout the year to get develop a plan for the next academic y


NI Conference Recap and shared experiences


An event coordinated with BGB that displays the outstanding work of past and present GW MBAs and how their work in communities throughout the world!


Brad Edmondson, author of a book on the history and inner workings of the Ben & Jerry's company spoke about how the company evolved from a small based Vermont company to now as subsidiary of Un


Event for Net Impact members where we work through a business case involving a sustainability issue. This event will also have a networking element to it.


Relax, meditate, and discuss techniques to manage stress during recruiting. As Rob Kimball would say, remember to hike your own hike.


Alejandro (currently a Yale World Fellow) heads the Early Recovery, Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction Unit at UNDP Haiti, leading a team of more than 80 people.


Join the CEO and CSO/COO of Inspiring Capital, a startup social impact consulting firm, for a discussion on starting a social venture and a workshop on nonprofit and social venture consulting cases


Coordinated in partnership with the Yale International Center of Finance, this first of its kind competition provides MBA and environmental graduate students with an opportunity to contribute towar


Net Impact and the Poole College of Management Sustainability Initiative, Industry Speaker Series present Laurie Zelnio, Director of Safety, Environment, Standards & Energy/Product Sustainabili


Join Net Impact Boston members and come tour the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s (MassCEC) Wind Technology Testing Center (WTTC) in Charlestown.


Not satisfied with your current career trajectory? Looking for a new challenge? Or even dabbled with starting your own business??


Join us for the DC Net Impact Professional Chapter and the Net Impact Georgetown MSB Chapter Speed Networking Event!

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