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Chapter event


Come learn what Net Impact is all about! Our Net Impact Leadership Team will be on hand to let you know how to get involved and the amazing perks of being a member.


Fox Net Impact students took part in the Net Impact/SAP Impactathon


Simmons Net Impact team will be hosting a 'Pedal to End Cancer' event on April 11, 1:30-3:30pm, at the Handle Bar Spin Studio in the Fenway.


In partnership with CI3's Impact Investing Speaker Series, we are hosting a lunch conversation with Prof. John F. Williams from Impact Infrastructure, Inc.


Initial meeting of the new SIPA Net Impact Board. Soliciting input from chapter members on future activities


On behalf of Net Impact, we invite you to join us hear Erik Foley, Managing Director of the Sustainability Institute, discuss about Penn State’s Sustainability.


Social Entrepreneurship Case Competition (SECC) is an annual program dedicated to creating an engaging and educational opportunity for McIntire students to advance their knowledge about entrepreneu


In this dynamic, highly interactive workshop we will use the principles and practices of improvisational theater to prepare you for one of your most important rites of passage: the job interview.


Net Impact at UVa hosted representatives from Northwestern Mutual, Capital Group, TMT Services, VibeThink, and Community Investment Collaborative for a panel on careers in business.


Merage Students!

Be excited for our FIRST Movember Competition hosted by Merage Net Impact!


Merage Net Impacters participated in the Hult Prize regional competitions in Boston and San Francisco.


A new era of social entrepreneurship is connecting and mobilizing innovators, citizen philanthropists, non-profits, and businesses to tackle some of the planet’s toughest challenges.


Join us for a live simulcast event in partnership with the NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship and the NYU Leadership Initiative.


Panel Speakers--
Susan E. Duris, moderator - M4 COMMUNICATIONS - Entrepreneur, Writer and Speaker


Merage alum Sam Uyeno, US Naval Officer and current Manager of Major Transmission Project Financing, will discuss the utility industry and career opportunities at SCE!


Food, Drinks & Light Bulbs 2nd Annual Social Networking Mixer is happening on Thursday 10/23 in Irvine, CA We're bringing together students, alumni, faculty from across UCI to connect and grow.


The kickoff meeting is the perfect opportunity to discover member benefits and resources. We will go over upcoming events, competitions, and opportunities for members to grow their net impact.


Join us at the Corporate Partners Meeting for a panel on how "Doing Good is Good Business." This event is typically only open to Merage's corporate sponsors, but Net Impact has secured several spot


Ithaca College Net Impact created a NCAA March Madness bracket challenge to raise funds for our club


Support the organization of a fellow classmate, Liz Wattley, at the We Over Me farm at Paul Quinn College, a Community Cooks Fundraiser with top chefs.


RSVP now for the Wednesday, March 25th lunchtime speaker panel hosted by Cox Net Impact on topics related to the present and future of CSR! The event is from 12:40 - 1:40 in Crow, room 280.


Community service event at Thrive DC, providing services to homeless population in the DC area.


Community service event with CASA de Maryland, co-hosted with the Smith Association of Women MBAs. Students provided resume support to low-income clients in Maryland.


The founder of Mayorga Coffee will share how his company caries out the mission to eliminate poverty in Latin America through responsible trade.


Come out and listen to representatives from B Corp - a certification body for sustainable businesses, Textbooks for change - a Western grad's new venture changing the way we see used textbook sales


Come out, network and meet Western students interested in both sustainability, and business. This even had to be cancelled last minute as the restaurant withdrew thier offer to host our event.


Net Impact UWO will be hosting a case competition on February 28th, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM in Spencer Engineering Building room 2099.


Come out and see what Net Impact UWO is all about! Meet the exec team and see what great events we have lined up for this semester.


Net Impact is planning an off campus event around Corporate Social Responsibility, with Jim Oliff, a member of Chicago Mercantile Exchange's Board of Directors.


On behalf of Net Impact, we invite you to join us hear Mark Pinksy, CEO of Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) and one of the Board of Directors for Net Impact (National), discuss how Sustainability


Board Members meet to determine next steps for the semester's events.


Members of UIC Liautuad's Net Impact Chapter met to network following the end of mid-terms.


Currently, 16.6 percent of Cook County’s population is facing food insecurity, meaning 860,670 people are unsure of when they will have their next meal.


Liautaud Professors Maija Renko, Shelley Brickson, and Anna Lloyd will share their expertise of creating new ventures and incorporating social value and sustainability into the process.


Members of UIC Liautaud's Net Impact chapter met to discuss upcoming events and ideas for the year.


Meet after class to get to know some of UIC Liautaud Net Impact's newest members!


The Net Impact Christmas Charity Dinner is an event organized by the Net Impact team.


This will be a site visit to several new buildings in the CPH area that are grounded in sustainability efforts.


WashU Net Impact is screening the film Bidder 70 on March 31 at 6PM. The event was promoted on facebook and to the green groups of WashU.


Rajiv will be coming for an interactive lecture on a critical take on big business CSR policy. Join for a challenging look at our future in corporate responsibility.


This is a networking event aimed at learning more about starting a sustainable business. Key speaker is Simon Sondergaard: founder of and


Karen Lockridge (Mercer Toronto, Canadian Institute of Actuaries) will be coming in to discuss Carbon Risk and Decarbonization Strategies.


Got together to watch Fracknation, then discussed the issues following the film.


Club social event, watched the documentary Blackfish and discussed following the film.


Gave out small plants in upcycled Starbucks glasses to promote awareness of SSBW and reducing, reusing and recycling on-campus.


Different speakers will come in throughout the day to teach us lessons that they have learned in their journey through the business world.


Set up an "education station" at the arboretum to educate students about Small Steps, Big Wins and their individual contribution.


Cards will be made by students on campus and then donated to Caitlin's Smiles for distribution to children who are terminally ill in the hospital

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