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Chapter event


Come hear Tensie Whelan, President of Rainforest Alliance, talk about how companies can capture the value of sustainability strategies.


Kellogg Net Impact Club’s mission is to inspire and equip emerging leaders to use the power of business to create a more socially responsible and sustainable world.


Broad Net Impact is hosting the annual “Dinner and a Sustaninable Movie” night, featuring the documentary FUEL, catering provided by Chipotle and a discussion will take place following the movie.


Antioch University New England’s Net Impact co-chair, Tori Managan, and Net Impact advisor, Taryn Fisher attended the 2014 Net Impact Conference November 6-8 in Minneapolis.


Join PSU Net Impact to hear about upcoming events and discuss future plans.


Hi Denver Net Impact Members and Friends,


By 2050, there will be nine billion people in the world but we will still only have one Earth.


Details: Net Impact is a new generation of leaders transforming the world through environmental, social and economic sustainability.


The Hult Prize at Wisconsin is an exciting opportunity for student teams from across the university to collaborate on profitable solutions to complex social challenges.


"How-To" Webinar on Waste Audits by St. Petersburg College Net Impact chapter and Sustainability Management students.


Our chapter made reservations at Devil's Advocate during the Net Impact Conference for a happy hour with UGA and Georgia Tech.


Join us to Network, Learn More, Ask Questions, Meet other participants, Form Teams, Generate Ideas, Practice your Pitch, Work One-on-One with Coachs!


Join us for the SFSU MBA Speed Recruitment Event where you'll have the opportunity to meet with hiring managers in a fun, informational "speed networking" environment.


The Global Sustainability Jam (GSJ) is a platform for people interested in a creative approach to sustainability to come together and develop solutions to a global sustainability issue.


Hershey's Corporate Social Responsibility Representative, Scott Rownd coming in for the first hour!


Start off your Saturday morning right by giving our beautiful Baker Beach a manicure!


Curious about what it means to work at a business incubator for socially relevant ventures? Join Net Impact for a tour of the Impact Hub on Thursday, October 9th.


Global Gifts gave us a tour of their facility, discussing how they promote the practice of fair trade to boost their profits and to support working-class families throughout the world.


Mark Levett, the Vice President of Community Relations and Corporate Responsibility at Cummins Inc., talked to us about what Cummins has been doing to become a more socially responsible organizatio


Come to hear Rick Ridgeway (VP at Patagonia) speak and network with him.

Please rsvp to (by Tuesday would be best!)


David Hopkins is a motivating young leader, emerging entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and published writer.


"We customize the design of water technologies for your individual home or business and provide financing solutions that meet your needs.


Eric Stephenson is the Portfolio Director at the Cordes Foundation, focused on deploying resources across multiple asset classes and industries to generate measurable social and environmental impac


It is time to think of those who are in need, as we prepare our winter wardrobes in anticipation for the upcoming winter season in Lebanon!


An award winning documentary film that examines the role of urban farming in America and asks how much power it has to revitalize our cities and change the way we eat.


Net Impact SF and BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) invites you to learn more about the latest findings on the climate crisis, including how our warming climate has influenced extreme weathe


The Net Impact SF Professional Chapter invite the entire Bay Area Net Impact community to go Off the Grid!


The Gonzaga University Undergraduate Net Impact chapter will be holding the second of two info sessions describing its mission to interested students on Wednesday, November 12th from 7-8 in Wolff A


The Gonzaga University Undergraduate Net Impact chapter will be holding the first of two info sessions describing its mission to interested students on Tuesday, November 11th from 7-8 in Wolff Audi


All Mills College students attending the Net Impact Conference in Minneapolis on November 6 - 8 are invited to a brunch the morning after the conference.


Take a break between classes during this busy month to share a potluck dinner with your fellow Mills business and policy students.


Please join Mills College's Center for Socially Responsible Business and Graduate Net Impact Chapter for a happy hour in downtown Oakland!


A presentation by Lauryn Agnew, Founder of Bay Area Impact Investing Initiative and President of Seal Cove Financial.


A great way to start the year by networking with new students and enjoying the beautiful natural landscape that one of California's most epic regions!


Check in with other Board Fellow participants about preliminary meetings with organizations to address problems and work on a cohesive plan moving forward. Lunch will be provided.


There is no “one size fits all” approach to addressing corporate responsibility within a corporation.


The November Carey Net Impact chapter meeting was hosted at the end of October to kick off and create excitement around the Movember event.


Meeting to coordinate logistics for the Net Impact conference and discuss how to get the most out of the conference.


The Bi-Annual CISDM Conference will be held next Friday, October 31 at the Isenberg School of Management, Room 108. The conference begins at 10:00AM and will end at 3:00PM.


Join us for a presentation from representatives of Ahold USA, an international retailing group whose brands include Giant Carlisle, Giant Landover, Stop & Shop New England, and Stop & Shop


This will be an information session while promoting Vanguard's commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility with a networking session.


Net Impact will be holding a Meet & Greet Social Event through its Mentorship Program.


Representatives from Target, PwC, General Mills and New Sector Alliance will provide their advice on how to network at the Net Impact Conference.


"Smart grid" refers to using information technology to bring utility electricity delivery systems into the 21st century and thus increase efficiency, reliability, and incorporation of renewable ene

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